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Understanding Ramsey Taxes

“Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Let’s face it, nobody likes paying taxes. But as many times as the Borough of Ramsey has explained why
you are paying what you are paying, it bears repeating. No spin—just facts.

  • The Ramsey Municipal budget accounts for 20.3% of your property taxes.

  • The Ramsey Board of Education budget is 68.1% of your tax bill.

  • The Bergen County and County Open Space portion is 10.2%.

  • The Ramsey Library budget is 1.4%.

In 2024, the municipal budget continues to face similar economic challenges that all households and business are facing. We all are experiencing the inflationary cost of goods, services, and general operating expenses, as well as a higher interest rate environment. The real work lies in prudent budgeting and making fiscally responsible decisions, leveraging financial instruments, and finding the right balance of priorities to ensure that tax dollars address the needs of the borough. Despite these challenges, the 2024 Ramsey municipal budget is compliant with the New Jersey State Tax Levy Cap and the New Jersey Appropriation Cap.

Red Republican Elephant Symbol surrounded by a red circle
Red Republican Elephant Symbol surrounded by a red circle
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