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Transparency—The Door Is Open

Transparency is the rule of the day, every day

The fact is: if you want to understand how a municipality operates, don’t be a stranger! As many times as the
Borough leadership and administration has explained that you have an open invitation to most every meeting we
have, the reality is, few residents attend Borough Meetings.

The fact is there are many ways to access the Borough and voice your opinion. For example, dates and times
for all Council, Board and Commission meetings are published in the Bergen Record, Borough Website Calendar,
and agendas are available in advance. Council meetin
gs are open to the public and can be attended in person,
accessed by phone or viewed on the Borough YouTube channel. Not to mention, the Mayor and Council members
are just a phone call or email away—our emails and phone numbers are posted of the Borough Website. Running a
municipality is complex and understanding the process is key in comprehending day-to-day operations, long-term
planning, dealing with unforeseen costs, balancing tax income with cash flow–to mention just a few topics.

Additionally, the fact is we are held to a high standard. The Borough of Ramsey complies with New Jersey’s
Open Public Meetings Act, called “The Sunshine Law.” That law was passed to ensure that decision-making
government bodies in NJ conduct their businesses in public, except in special circumstances when the exclusion of the public is needed to protect the privacy of individuals, the safety of the public or the effectiveness of government in such areas as negotiations or investigations.

To get things accomplished, it takes experience, being engaged in what matters, knowing what the real issues are, and good judgement. At the end of the day, it takes the coordinated talents of the Mayor and Council, Borough
Administrator, Borough Boards, Departments and Commissions, and the countless volunteers who make a real
difference for the community.

Join us. Observe. Listen. Offer public comment. The choice is yours!

Red Republican Elephant Symbol surrounded by a red circle
Red Republican Elephant Symbol surrounded by a red circle
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