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Unbinding the Bonds

Oh What a Tangled Web They Weave...


BIG LIE #1:  Dunne and Crandall claim that the Borough's decision to not issue long-term Municipal Bonds cost Ramsey taxpayers "hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional interest."














BIG LIE #2:  Dunne and Crandall's website says: "The Borough could also be vulnerable to refinancing risk – what if bondholders don’t refinance when the debt is due?"


  • This statement is nonsensical.  There are no "bondholders" involved with BANs, and "bondholders" do not have any role in a municipality's decision to refinance Bonds.  Rather, Municipal Bonds are issued for sale via a complex series of documents that govern the terms of sale and the interest rates to be paid over time. 

  • Using BANs actually keeps the decision to "refinance" in the hands of the governing body, as they can simply vote to "refinance" expiring BANS with new BANS via a new BAN ordinance. 

  • "Refinancing" (correctly termed "refunding") long-term Bonds can only be done by issuing new long-term Bonds, which is as complex and costly as the original bond issuance.​

  • Click here and here for more information about ​​​​​Municipal Finance and Municipal Bonds.


The Lack of Public Finance Knowledge Displayed

by Dunne and Crandall is Actually Quite Shocking​


​Putting Ramsey First Means Exercising Prudent Financial Judgment, 
Not Spreading Disinformation to Score Political Points
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Red Republican Elephant Symbol surrounded by a red circle
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